Commanding Performance: Sport Psychology Workbook for Golf
Commanding Performance: Sport Psychology Workbook for Golf is specifically designed to teach you the necessary mental skills to play your best on a consistent basis. Although there are several books teaching "what" mental skills you should have, this book teaches you "how" to apply mental skills to practice/competition through a series of mental conditioning drills.
In Commanding Performance: Sport Psychology Workbook for Golf, clinical and sport psychologist Dr. Cody Commander provides 25 mental conditioning drills, broken into four parts:
- "Let's Learn" - Teaches various mental skills and "how" and "why" the skills are effective
- "Warm Up" - Assesses your knowledge of the skill and consists of practice exercises to kick-start your thinking
- "Time to Train" - Practices what you learned with mental conditioning drills and exercises
- "Cool Down" - Briefly reflecting and evaluating the success of the mental training
Additional Book Features
- Learn how to practice mental skills with 25 mental conditioning drills
- Training Calendar included to help keep you accountable
- Section Quizzes to see how much you've learned
- Test your new skills in the Commanding Performance Tournament (tournament scenarios with answer key to evaluate your success)